a simple UEFI framework
find_bounding_box_for_changes() finds initial bounding box if there were no changes
find_bounding_box_for_changes() finds 1x1 bounding box if just one pixel changed
find_bounding_box_for_changes() finds narrow bounding box if a line of pixel changed
find_bounding_box_for_changes() finds arbitrary bounding box for given changes
find_bounding_box_for_changes() finds image-sized bounding box if changes span entire image
assert_box_equals() compares all struct members
assert_double_near() asserts expected-epsilon <= actual <= expected+epsilon
and can be inverted
assert_double_greater_than() asserts actual > expected
and can be inverted
assert_double_greater_than_or_equal_to() asserts actual >= expected
and can be inverted
draw_text() writes text at the correct position
draw_text() blends semi-transparent glyphs onto background
find_pci_class_name() finds entries with known class and subclass codes
find_pci_class_name() finds entries with known class and marks unknown subclasses
find_pci_class_name() marks unknown entries as such
find_pci_device_name() finds entries with known vendor and device IDs
find_pci_device_name() finds known vendor entries and marks unknown device IDs
find_pci_device_name() marks unknown vendor IDs
find_pci_device_name() isn't affected by old strstr() bug
ftowcs() rounds positive and negative values to 2 decimals with "half away from zero"
ftowcs() always zero-pads to 2 decimals
assert_pixel() asserts pixel values match exactly and can be inverted
assert_pixel_near() asserts the sum of absolute differences between actual and expected pixels' channels is <=epsilon and can be inverted
assert_intn_equals() asserts actual == expected
and can be inverted
assert_intn_greater_than_or_equal_to() asserts actual >= expected
and can be inverted
assert_intn_less_than_or_equal_to() asserts actual <= expected
and can be inverted
assert_intn_in_closed_interval() asserts expected_lower <= actual <= expected_upper
and can be inverted
interpolate_2px() uses second pixel for ratio 1.0
interpolate_2px() handles arbitrary points correctly
interpolate_4px() handles all 4 corners correctly
interpolate_4px() handles all 5 mid points correctly
interpolate_4px() handles arbitrary points correctly
a log event at the current log level should be printed
a log event above the current log level should be printed
a log event below the current log level should be ignored
when the current log level is OFF all log events should be ignored
stopping the memory tracker with unfreed tracked pages results in a logged error
freeing tracked pages twice shouldn't work and result in a logged error
stopping the memory tracker with unfreed untracked pages should not log an error
parse_glyphs() initializes the glyph list correctly
parse_glyphs() splits an input text of 4 characters into 4 glyphs
parse_glyphs() reads glyphs correctly when given a multiline input string
not passing any parameters is OK
passing a parameter value a validator deems invalid results in parse failure
passing all valid values results in parse success
passing negative numbers to unsigned integer parameters results in parse failure
can supply logging parameters on command-line
split_string() returns 0 entries and writes NULL when requested to split a NULL string
split_string() splits a string by the given delimiter into the correct parts
split_string() includes empty string parts between delimiters
split_string() returns 1 entry and outputs the input string as array when requested to split an empty string
sprint_status() includes the given function's name in the result
sprint_status() includes the raw EFI_STATUS code in the result
sprint_status() converts EFI_STATUS codes to readable messages in the result
ac97_bar_t's size is exactly 128 bytes, as required by AC'97 specs
ac97_buffer_descriptor_t's size is exactly 8 bytes, as required by AC'97 specs
ac97_busmaster_status_t's size is exactly 2 bytes, as required by AC'97 specs
validate_double_range() and validate_uint64_range allow values only if they're in the closed interval between minimum and maximum
validate_double_range() and validate_uint64_range still work if minimum=maximum
ac97_mixer_value() handles left and right channel separately
ac97_mixer_value() converts mute value to 1 bit
wctype_float() should fail NULL, empty strings and non-numeric strings
wctype_float() should pass positive and negative integers
wctype_float() should pass positive and negative decimal numbers
wctype_float() should fail invalid number-like strings similar to decimals
wctype_int() should fail NULL, empty strings and non-numeric strings
wctype_int() should pass positive and negative integers
wctype_int() should fail decimal numbers