a simple UEFI framework
Data Fields
ac97_bar_t Struct Reference

Data type for an AC'97 "baseline audio register set". More...

#include <ac97.h>

Data Fields

UINT16 reset
 offset 0x00
UINT16 master_vol
 offset 0x02
UINT16 aux_out_vol
 offset 0x04
UINT16 mono_vol
 offset 0x06
UINT16 master_tone
 offset 0x08
UINT16 pc_beep_vol
 offset 0x0A
UINT16 phone_vol
 offset 0x0C
UINT16 mic_vol
 offset 0x0E
UINT16 line_in_vol
 offset 0x10
UINT16 cd_vol
 offset 0x12
UINT16 video_vol
 offset 0x14
UINT16 aux_in_vol
 offset 0x16
UINT16 pcm_out_vol
 offset 0x18
UINT16 record_select
 offset 0x1A
UINT16 record_gain
 offset 0x1C
UINT16 record_gain_mic
 offset 0x1E
UINT16 general_purpose
 offset 0x20
UINT16 three_d_control
 offset 0x22
UINT16 _reserved24
 offset 0x24
UINT16 powerdown_ctrlstat
 offset 0x26
union {
   UINT16   raw
 raw access
   struct {
      UINT16   vra:1
 variable rate PCM audio support
      UINT16   dra:1
 double-rate PCM audio support
      UINT16   spdif:1
 S/PDIF support.
      UINT16   vrm:1
 variable rate MIC input support
      UINT16   dsa:2
 DAC slot assignments.
      UINT16   cdac:1
 PCM center DAC support.
      UINT16   sdac:1
 PCM surround DAC support.
      UINT16   ldac:1
 PCM LFE DAC support.
      UINT16   amap:1
 slot/DAC mappings support
      UINT16   rev:2
 codec revision
      UINT16   _reserved:2
      UINT16   id:2
 codec configuration
 structured access
 offset 0x28
union {
   UINT16   raw
 raw access
   struct {
      UINT16   vra:1
 VRA enabled.
      UINT16   dra:1
 DRA enabled.
      UINT16   spdif:1
 S/PDIF enabled.
      UINT16   vrm:1
 VRM enabled.
      UINT16   spsa:2
 S/PDIF source.
      UINT16   cdac:1
 PCM center DAC ready.
      UINT16   sdac:1
 PCM surround DACs ready.
      UINT16   ldac:1
 PCM LFE DAC ready.
      UINT16   madc:1
 MIC ADC ready.
      UINT16   spcv:1
 S/PDIF configuration valid.
      UINT16   pri:1
 PCM center DAC suppressed.
      UINT16   prj:1
 PCM surround DACs suppressed.
      UINT16   prk:1
 PCM LFE DACs suppressed.
      UINT16   prl:1
 MIC ADC suppressed.
      UINT16   vcfg:1
 S/PDIF idle configuration.
 structured access
 offset 0x2A
UINT16 pcm_front_dac_rate
 offset 0x2C
UINT16 pcm_surr_dac_rate
 offset 0x2E
UINT16 pcm_lfe_dac_rate
 offset 0x30
UINT16 pcm_lr_adc_rate
 offset 0x32
UINT16 pcm_mic_adc_rate
 offset 0x34
UINT16 _unhandled3 [5]
 offset 0x36
UINT16 _unhandled4 [8]
 offset 0x40
UINT16 _unhandled5 [8]
 offset 0x50
UINT16 _unhandled6 [8]
 offset 0x60
UINT16 _unhandled7 [6]
 offset 0x70
UINT16 vendor_id1
 offset 0x7C
UINT16 vendor_id2
 offset 0x7E

Detailed Description

Data type for an AC'97 "baseline audio register set".

The AC'97 specification contains a description of these registers.

Field Documentation

◆ vra

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::vra

variable rate PCM audio support

VRA enabled.

◆ dra

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::dra

double-rate PCM audio support

DRA enabled.

◆ spdif

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::spdif

S/PDIF support.

S/PDIF enabled.

◆ vrm

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::vrm

variable rate MIC input support

VRM enabled.

◆ cdac

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::cdac

PCM center DAC support.

PCM center DAC ready.

◆ sdac

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::sdac

PCM surround DAC support.

PCM surround DACs ready.

◆ ldac

UINT16 ac97_bar_t::ldac

PCM LFE DAC support.

PCM LFE DAC ready.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: